Strong semiconductor sector institutions: the industry is expected to recover in the second half of the year
Author: ComeFrom: Date:2023-01-16 23:50:18 Hits:335
Most institutions give optimistic outlook for semiconductor in 2023.
In the early trading on February 2, individual stocks in the semiconductor sector strengthened collectively. As of the press release, Tianyue Advanced rose 8.85%, while Longxin Zhongke, North Huachuang and Changguang Huaxin Energy rose more than 5%.
According to the statistics of China National Finance and Economics Corporation, among the 80 semiconductor companies that have released the 2022 annual performance forecast, 41 companies have reported losses, accounting for more than 50%. Consumer electronics and semiconductor design companies have become the hardest hit areas. Among them, the decline in the predicted profit of Senson was the largest, while 12 companies were expected to lose more than 100%, all of which were the first to lose money.
However, the vast majority of institutions give optimistic outlook for semiconductor in 2023.
CSCI believes that the current semiconductor cycle is gradually reaching the bottom, and all links will be de-stocking one after another. With the recovery of demand, the electronics industry is expected to hit the bottom and rebound, focusing on the bottom layout opportunities of oversold sectors.
CICC pointed out that looking forward to 2023, we believe that with the further repair of industry supply and demand, some industrial chain links such as chip design are expected to take the lead in reaching the bottom and usher in recovery in the second half of the year.
Southwest Securities said that the performance of analog and power semiconductor manufacturers will also decline further in 22Q4 due to the decline of marginal demand of industry and automobile, and the second order inflection point may be later than that of consumer electronics. Looking ahead to 23H2, the global electronics industry is expected to achieve a year-on-year performance reversal and enter recovery from depression under the background of destocking, improved global macro demand and low base.
Huachuang Securities said that the current downward cycle of semiconductors driven mainly by the downturn in consumer demand has come to an end. With reference to the comprehensive study and judgment of the forecast of the international large manufacturers' law conference and the industrial chain survey, the industry is expected to see a bottom in the middle of 2023. Soochow Securities believes that from the four dimensions of manufacturing recovery, consumption recovery, high growth of high-tech manufacturing, and policy assistance, there are optimistic expectations under the pessimistic current situation, and it is expected to meet greater flexibility in the future demand recovery process.
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